Thursday, July 2, 2009

It’s Bo the intern and I came across 10 ways to not be nervous while public speaking from The Leaders Institute. There is nothing worse than botching a speech so read this before you give your next speech…

1. 90% of nervousness doesn’t show.

2. Don’t read your notes word for word. Only do this when you need to be precise. If you speak with limited notes, it will add more character to your speech.

3. Don’t memorize your speech word for word. This will cause more anxiety if you can’t remember the exact words. Write down or memorize main ideas.

4. Show up early. When you do this you will have time to talk to your audience, and test your equipment. (image:

5. Take deep breaths. When you take deep breaths the speed of your speech will be the same. If you are nervous and take short breaths you can’t always finish your sentence so you speed up. If this happens, take a deep breath and continue.

6. Look for a friendly face; it will put you at ease.

7. Put your hands down if you aren’t using them to make a gesture. Your hands at your side are a very natural gesture. When you do use your hands to make a gesture, it will be more powerful than if you had your hands up all the time.

8. Speak about topics that you have a background in. This will create a casual conversation that will make the audience feel like you are giving them a speech individually.

9. Be passionate about your topic. This will engage your audience.

10. Practice. Practicing in front of someone is the thing to do.

Everyone gets nervous when they speak, but great speakers don’t show it. Our video series will train you in every aspect of leadership and public speaking.

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